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Month: October 2014

The Happy Return

Before I witter about what I’ve been up to, some links.

Jenni Nuttall has been writing a series of helpful guides to different aspects of Middle English poetics on her blog. I can see these being primarily useful for an undergraduate audience, but I’ll admit I found reading them helpful myself—they’ve reminded me of some questions about the mechanics of form. What do we notice about the form of a poem, and why do we notice those things and not others? What did people notice in poems five hundred years ago, and how can we tell? These are questions which hang around the periphery of a chapter I’m returning to right now.

Also, the Bodleian’s new Weston Library is open and Sjoerd Levelt has a write-up. I visited on Monday and second his praise (and his hope that Duke Humphrey’s Library can remain as a reading room of some sort!).

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